PayTracker Billing System
Automatic services tarification and write-off of assets from subscriber’s account, payments registration, collecting statistic data about quality of services – all of this is just a small part of PayTracker system’s functions. Large set of modules gives an opportunity to customize the system for any of your business requirements. It is not a universal solution, it is a solution to your needs.
Basic set of system modules*:
- Subsystem of services maintenance
- Subsystem of tariff maintenance
- Subsystem of account maintenance
- Subsystem of contract maintenance
- Subsystem of contractors maintenance
- Subsystem of the emission module
- Payments processing module
- Gateway for payment systems
- Gateway for system of conventional access
- Commission module
- Reports module
Benefits of the solution:
- Fail-safety and scalability;
- High level of efficiency and safety;
- Module structure enables to make modifications in the system according to client’s requests;
- Protection of unauthorized access;
- System management with Web-technologies;
- Certificated billing system has capacity of 20 million subscribers.
*All the questions about the full list of modules and more detailed information about the system can be asked here.